There are a handful of people in my life that just "know" when things aren't OK. My best friend Gina is one of them, her wife Cyn is another. They reach out on instinct and a "knowing" that has been gifted to them by God and the Universe.
o Me: Have you started the book? (Glennon Doyle’s Untamed). It’s awesome so far. I need Glennon right now. She wouldn’t tell me to “choose joy,” like the tshirts and mugs these self-help personas are pushing online. I guess every season has a hero. In this season I need more grit, truth, and reality (even if it’s ugly). I can’t gratitude and smile my way out of this one…
o Gina: Yes, started it and love it. There’s a way that she talks about just accepting wherever we are and not pretending, hiding or needing to be or feel a certain way because others tell us to do so. And no gratitude or smile is necessary right now…it’s the other stuff – anger, sadness, depression that must be felt and experienced in order to get to the gratitude. How did I end up with such a smart and intuitive friend?
o Me: Yep, exactly. Those are also the feelings I rarely let happen. I internalize and it’s never led me anywhere good (mentally) when I do that. No way through this time but to do the work. Love you.
o Gina: And Lovie you had to do that because you’ve ALWAYS been the rock to your family of origin, to Joe during his illness, and to Jakey. I see how you hold Jakey so lovingly when he’s angry or sad…and let him have that space…but it's like how do you do that for yourself as well? Allowing the other feelings that need attention and space, because of course you have those feelings - it’s all a part of the process. Fuck gratitude and smiling right now! (And love you more.)
o Gina continues: And Love I know you will get to that place eventually…I know this…you’ve been through so much and you are the least bitter or angry person I know. But I also think it’s important not to ignore or internalize or stuff those feelings, because it’s part of your process. I’d be very worried if you were just grateful now. Hell, I feel angry at the Universe that this happened, and we knew Joe a sliver compared to how much you knew and loved him. So delve into Glennon, because she is church for being real wherever we are at.
If you don't have a friend of this caliber, one who gets you, one who comes running when you're in a pit of despair to throw out a lifeline, one you would climb a mountain with just to experience a sunrise...I highly recommend you get one. Granted, it will take you decades to build up this kind of rapport. It will take trust and intention and the ability to love someone who isn't your blood as if they were. It will take vulnerability and arguments, and letting each other grow. It's nearly impossible to find, but so worth it if you do.
Gina accepts me for who I am, without judgement, without reservation, and with total love and understanding. I'm a hot mess right now - she loves me anyway. Period.
I can only hope I have been half the friend to her that she has been to me.
I am walking through fire right now. Gina hasn't tried to save me. She knows "through" is the only way out, so she just walks with me. She doesn't ask why we're walking or how long it will take, or even where we're going. She just walks. I enjoy the company. And besides, the conversations along the way will be epic.